For the new year, consider this: You are the sum of your habits.
Its not about the destination, its about the journey. Its not about the OUTCOME goals, its about the PROCESS goals.
Low Back Pain? Join me at the January 27th Workshop!
If you have low back pain, I can help. I’ve helped thousands of people across my career, and I guarantee I can help you too, whether your goal is to lift heavy in the gym or to take your dogs for walks without pain.
Taking care of your Thoracic Spine
Want to learn the rock solid basics of taking care of your thoracic spine? Dr. Rob lays out more than ten years of experience as a doctor of physical therapy, condensed into an easily-digested and immediately useful blog post.
Deadlifts for Low Back Pain (VIDEO)
Getting serious about resolving low back pain for good requires getting serious about loading it.
Do. The. Work. (VIDEO)
Active interventions are the key to recovery. Reliance on passive interventions will keep you injured and lead to gradual functional decline. Worsening symptoms with time.